Monday, December 12, 2011

Team Potato!

Cooper's started participating in an after-school activity called "play ball." Its an introduction to lots of team sports for little ones.

Last week the kids are debating what to use as their team name. Several proposed options like "Hulk" or "The Transformers." Though he didn't get any buy-in from the other kids, Cooper pushed vehemently for "Potato."

Later, when I asked him why the conversation went something like this:

C: Because a potato is the biggest and strongest of all the fruits and vegetables.
Me: Really? I always thought they just kind of sat there on the plate.
C: Dad, if you were a potato, don't you think you'd be big and strong?
Me: I guess I really hadn't thought about it... If a potato is big and strong, what about a watermelon?
C: I thought about that and, don't get me wrong, I think a watermelon is probably stronger than a potato, but I think the potato is probably tougher.

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