Monday, April 26, 2010


We were out last weekend at a Mexican restaurant. At one point, I'm walking Cooper to the Men's Room. Passing through the bar, he looks up and sees a very elaborate chandelier made of swooping curved ironwork and hundreds of inverted Corona bottles.

"Woooooooooow! How can recycling be so beautiful!!!"

Lillian's contribution...

Lillian-- "I'm guessing boys are made differently under here (points to her armpit) so they can do this (pit fart) just like girls are made to dress fancy."
In her next breath, "Mom, do we need a tongue? What do tongues do?"

The Soundtrack of Life

Riding home from dance rehearsal, Lillian is going on and on about being embarrassed to perform. Cooper says, "I always hear maracas in the car. (pause) I don't hear any maracas."

Food Chicken?

Cooper:"Chicken! Granna put chicken in the vegetable soup?! ---- food chicken, not animal chicken."

(Later during the meal)
"One of my vegetables looks like a scrubbing fish".

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cooper's take on the human digestive system

Cooper (during a post bed-time bathroom visit):
"Daddy, I think there are choppers in my chest that chop up all the food I eat and put it onto two crackers in my belly. Then, there are these two blood cells, I forget their names, who run a machine. The machine takes the poopy off of the crackers and moves it down to my bottom... just thought you should know."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tough Competition

Tonight, Cooper was playing Tic Tac Toe (with himself). After three games ending with an exuberant "I win!," I was surprised to hear one disheartened "Awwwww Man! I lost!" Did I mention he was playing against himself?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tiny Map

The other night, while brushing his teeth, Cooper noticed the network of veins and arteries on the underside of his tongue. "Daddy, there's a map on the bottom of my tongue. What's that a map of?"