Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Two interesting comments form Max

1. After preschool yesterday Max said he wanted to be General Grievous for halloween (Star Wars character shown here).
I told him he'd need a coupe more arms to pull that costume off. He thought for a moment and then replied, "I think they can do that at the hospital."

2. After preschool today, Max ran to the car super excited.
Max: "Mommy! Tomorrow we get to make necklaces out of needles!!!"
Robin: "Do you mean noodles?"
Max: "Yes, noodles!!!"

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cooper's rules of capitalizatoin

Two texts from Robin last night while she helped the kids w/ homework:

"Cooper's rules of capitalization neglect capitalizing the first word in a sentence, but always capitalizing the letter I. Bizarre child."

"One of the sentences he wrote for word study is 'easy Is an opInIon (apinyion)."

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cooper installed at Camp Cherokee!

Ready for his first week away at camp. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

"Hunting zombies" with cousin

Mohawk, shark pants, and cowboy boots. 

...Good to go. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Someday when you're smaller...

Max to Robin:  You don't really know how to do Legos.  Maybe when you are smaller you will.  Wait, a long, long time ago you've already been smaller, right? 

Robin to Max: Yes Max.  My time came and went.  It is a tragedy.

Kids are just weird...

This morning my wife and I woke to the sound of our 4yo screaming. This isn't all that unusual, so we just continued to sleep. After a while everything calmed down.

Once the rest of the morning drama was over and I was driving the other two to school I asked, "So Lillian and Cooper, what was Max screaming about this morning?"

Cooper: Oh, he was just upset because we were trying to put a blonde wig on him and wrap him up in a white furry coat.

(Note: this would have been around 6:00 in the morning)

Me: What? Why were you guys doing that to him?

Lillian: So he'd look like a Mom.

Me: Why was he supposed to look like a Mom?

Lillian: Because Cooper knew the secret password and I thought if I could convince him Max was his mother he'd trust her enough to give him the password/

Cooper: The secret password was 205347.

(Note: Max is barely 4 years old and he was supposed to guess a seemingly random six digit number)

Me: So why was Max crying?

Cooper: because he didn't want to dress up like a Mom. By the way, if we were to build a fire, it should be in the toy box in my room.

Me: What?!

Lillian: That's what the password was for. If we could get the secret password from Cooper then we could steal fire from the sun.

(So - in short, before sunrise, my two oldest dragged my youngest son out of bed ... well actually he was sleeping in a tent in the middle of his room... to dress him like a woman, have him pose as his brother's mother, and use him to extract a numerical password from my oldest boy, so that my 10 and 4 year old could steal fire from the sun and ignite their toy box)

This isn't honestly all that unusual in our house.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lillian's "Orange" comercial

5th grade is doing a unit on advertising. Lillian decided she wanted to try her hand as it as well...

Friday, January 10, 2014

While eating popcorn on the couch last night...

"When I grow up I want to design houses with soft curved walls because it's the hard and angled parts I always bang my head on around here."