Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2 year old conversation

This is the over-breakfast table talk I walked in on this morning:

L:  I'm broke.  Really broke.  Amelia is too.  Don't have a penny.

C:  What?

L:  Broke means you have no money.

C:  Not me.  I've got .85 cents and 17 or 18 dollars.

L:  That's because [interrupted]

  Broke too.

Max:  I broke my hip. 

Max:  (pulling his hair up into two tufts)  I'm a goat. 

Max:  Billy goat go tap, tap, tap…

Add to this that the entire morning as I was shaving, getting dressed, brushing teeth, Max was walking around my room saying "I wanna watch butt wagons" Eventually I got Robin to interpret this. Turns out it was Backyardigans.

1 comment:

  1. "I wanna watch butt wagons." How hilarious!

    A couple days ago, my 6-year-old daughter and I watched the musical "Annie". Rachel loves this one. After a few viewings, she THINKS she has learned some of the songs. Yesterday, she went around the house belting out her own version of "Tomorrow".

    What she means to sing is:

    "When I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely,
    I just stick out my chin and grin and say."

    What comes out is:

    "I just stick out my chest, and pressed, and lonely..." (over...and over...and over...)
