Thursday, May 24, 2012

Back in MY day...

Today is Lillian's "field day" at school, so she'll be spending most of the day playing out in the sun.

On the drive in this morning she asked me, "what do we do at field day?" I said, "well, I don't know what you will do, but when I was a kid it was a day the class played competitive games outside." Both kids asked for examples.

Me: Do you guys still play a game called red rover?
Kids: No
Me: What about a three legged race? You know, where you tie your leg to another kid's leg and run?
Kids: No... but that sounds fun.
Me: Hmmm... what about a sack race? You climb in a big cloth sack and then kinda hop-run down the field to beat the other kids?
Kids: Nope
Me: ...Well those were some of the games we played as kids on field day.
Lillian: Well Dad, as you say, technology changes things.

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